
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2011

New game, help needed!

3D Artists needed. I was looking for experienced people to work on 3D models including characters, monsters, various objects and environments. The current project I'm working on is a 3rd Person Action/Adventure game (title to be announced ) based on Greek mythology and I will need more people to help me with the game and even for future projects as a team member of the ' Sakis25 Games '. (In game credits will be given of course) The 3d models must be in low-poly quality (max 250-500 polys per model) but with nice looking textures (256x256 px) Some screenshots from my current game: NOTE : Please send me a personal message with some samples (pictures or 3D models) of your work at the gmc.yoyogames.com . View the full post here : http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=495796