
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2011


File Size : 19.8 Mb GM Version : GM8.1 Screen Resolution : FULL This is a story of a brave boy who traveled the seas of Greece with his parents. The name of the boy was Timaeus. One day the water was calm until something unusual and sad was happened. A giant sea monster just came out from nowhere and attacked the ship with a great force! The parents of Timaeus have been lost in the deep sea. Timaeus couldn't do anything to save them but now he must do something to save him self. Suddenly the help came by the gods. A dolphin have saved Timaeus and now he must run away from the monster and find a way to bring his parents back. God Hades was responsible for the loss of his parents and Timaeus knew that. And the adventure has just been started for Timaeus.     Downloads : SuperLongName.com (mirror)

'Mythology' Launch Trailer

The game will be available for free download this Monday 27-6-11 Mythology is a 3rd Person Action/Adventure PC game based on the Greek mythology. The main protagonist of the game is a little boy with the name Timaeus. Follow me on Twitter for updates: http://twitter.com/Sakis25

DEGREE SHOW 2011 - B.A.(Hons) Games Design Uclan

The Degree Shows at Uclan are well and truly underway and are open to the public until Saturday 18th June inclusive. CLICK HERE and HERE for a review by Alan Donohoe , ( the principal teacher of ICT at Our Lady's High School , Preston) of some of the Games design student work that is in thye show. The B.A. (Hons) Games Design degree show is being shown in the ground floor of the Victoria Building and all are welcome to attend. Map is here Below is a selection of images from the opening night and work from the show. This year's games students have many individual talents and you can see the variety of skills when you visit the show, from games designer, to character artist, environment builder to UDK level builder, concept artist to level designer etc. and the list goes on. Checkout the movies for Ed Marsland and then Oliver Farrell 's games.   Oliver Farrell's Hide and Seek level playthrough  Futures Module: IP opportunity for the near future