
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2011

Online Games Launch - UCLan

Play the game here. Uclan Games Design M.A. Students, Harry Prestidge and Dan Startin, talk about the launch of the first 'FlashBang Science' online game which is designed to bring fun into learning about Science. Dan and Harry are currently developing more games in collaboration with Claire Holt and programmer Stephen Higgins of FlashBang Science. More here. Making science fun

DEGREE Ceremony 2011 - B.A.(Hons) Games Design Uclan

Friday July 15th 2011 we celebrated the successful graduation of our Games design students at the Guild Hall Preston. It was a great afternoon and a proud moment ;-) See Hat throwing Here . Below are just a few pictures from the day's event.

Link to 40 games design forums

Sara McDowell just posted an article on my site that I thought our readers might find interesting as well. It's called " 40 Helpful Independent Game Design Forums." It lists some useful and interesting websites associated with games. Plus- see:   Top 30 Mobile Gamer Blogs Both worth a look.