
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, 2013

Back Into It

  Most teacher sin my state of Australia go back into the classroom tomorrow after a 2 week Autumn break - we call our breaks from school 'holidays'.   I have made this proforma for planning a 'holiday recount'. Students can plan their ideas on it before they write.     I have provided a nice worksheet for writing the good copy! \   You can grab both for FREE HERE - from google drive!   I plan writing lines, so that students write in the solid lines and use the dotted lines for top/tail guides. I have noticed that teachers around the globe do it differently - please share with me what you do! Is this common where you are from?     Thanks for stopping by!       

Paper Crafts, Craftivities and Instagram

  I just posted this picture on Instagram, as I have just found a great way to store all my paper craft and craftivity samples. In a big A3 display book! Well, it will surely be 'books' when I am done sorting.  I have kept a sample of most paper crafts I have made with Kindergarten over the last decade. They are all squashed neatly arranged in a plastic box.   Why did I not think of this before?   I like to have a sample to show my students before we start, and although it is always good to model and demonstrate a skill in front of the students, at times it is great to have one 'I prepared earlier' - even just to refresh your own memory.   In Australia, we call a 'Display Book' a plastic folder that you can slide sheets into. They differ from a regular ring binder in that the pages are usually fixed. The small versions of these folders are used for school portfolios etc.   This is an A3 folder. A3 is the paper we use that is exactly twice our standard offi...

Games Guru, Andy Gahan, visits Uclan Games Design course

Games design students at Uclan recently enjoyed a fantastically informative presentation from games Guru, Andy Gahan of The Pixel Bullies .  The students loved this frank and valuable advice from Andy who has 25 years of experience at the top of the games industry. Former, Senior Development Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and previously Art & Outsource Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (Evolution Studios),   Andy has extensive experience, which he generously shared with us.  Andy talked about indie mid developed game companies, and what it's like/ that it's possible to run your own company in the current environment. This was such an inspiration to our aspiring students! A big 'thank you ' to Andy from us and also to Nicola Eagleton and her team, Faye Grima; Chris Lishman; Bhavnita Parekh; Victoria Bradley; Whitney Griffiths , from Uclan Public Relations and Marketing course, who organised the event. You can see part of Andy's...

Muffins for Mothers and a Giveaway

  If you have not secured a totally cute Mother's Day Craftivity for your students, I might have one for you to consider!     This is our 'Muffin for Mom" (and yes we have totally included 'Mum' spellings as well!).   After making a cute girl or boy craft, your students can write words to describe their mother on the pages of the muffin top! Moms and Mums will never look at muffin-tops the same way!     You can find it here at TpT     I have donated prizes for a few giveaways this week, here are a couple you  might want to enter!   Head to Primary Paradise, my friend Martha's blog. She is celebrating 200 followers!       And also Dana over at Fun in 1st Grade is having a grand celebration for her Blogiversary!        Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your weekend!     

Make a Spinny Game / Center

  Got some old CDs and DVDs laying around? Some that are scratched or .....ahem... "not used" (like the postnatal fitness DVD that bit the dust today in my house).   Give them new life - help them to become nifty little games for learning numbers and other essential content.   I first blogged about our Spinny Centers in July of 2012 and I have been wanting to get back to them for a while ... a few things have kept me busy.   My dad and I worked out, after several days and a few test models that using sandpaper on the back of old DVDs will make them spin super fast in their cases. You need to make the back nice and scratchy.     Print a nice new cover for the disc and some game boards and you have yourself a 'Spinny Center'. My daughter LOVES these! Especially the 'spinning' part!   Here is our latest in the collection, to help with numbers to 20.     Apart from plastic counters/chips, everything for this game can be kept inside the DVD ...

Games Design course visit from Concept Games Artist, Shaun Mooney

Uclan Games Design course was really pleased to welcome one of our Alumni, Concept Games Artist, Shaun Mooney , to the studio recently for a fantastic workshop day. Shaun who has worked for several big name games companies such as Atomhawk , TT-Fusion and currently Playdemic spent a full day with us. He shared his extensive experience and expertise with the students through a practical demonstration followed by a portfolio surgery session with students from a variety of year groups. Students  found the experience very valuable. You can link to Shaun's blog here . You can see images of Shaun's workshop below.  

Organizing Games and Resources

  I got more organised today! Well I 'prettied up' my games cupboard! And that will help me stay more organised!   I had a goal to have all my printable games and resources for teaching printed, laminated and sorted before the end of my maternity leave. I have readjusted that goal, and made it 'by the end of my PART TIME maternity leave. That should give me a few years! I was shocked to find  6219 files on my computer. Granted, many are old and need to be deleted. But ... what. a. job.!   This is just one cupboard. I have 3 so far. Here is how it looked before...       And here she is now. So pretty! Ok, the colours will bug me a little until I make them consistent, but this is a work-in-progress. I have only done Mathematics so far, and am headed to my English resources later this week or next.       I love these boxes, as after years of trying many different methods, this has been the easiest. Often I just leave the lids off,...

Flower Fun

      I have spent many hours outside in the sunshine over the last week with my little ones and new puppy. Many hours. Quite a few of my recent projects are reflecting the 'garden' setting of my days.   My daughter and I took shelter from the sun after lunch and took part in some paper craft. We created this garden picture with coloured papers, glue , patty cases (cupcake liners), tissue paper and crepe paper.     As well as the standard paper craft techniques of folding, cutting and pasting - we did some fringing for the grass and twisting for the butterflies.     My daughter enjoyed writing labels for the different features in the garden after counting each item.     We found and read some garden themed books from our bookshelves. This one is a favourite - Amelia Ellicott's Garden.  We talked about how great it is to enjoy our backyards and gardens with our friends.     We played a little flower game. We started with st...

Peter Field - Games Designer at Naughty Dog

Fantastic opportunity for Uclan Games Design students - in conversation with Peter Field , games designer at Naughty Dog CA. Peter is a graduate of the BA Games Design course at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, and has gone on to work on many popular game titles, most recently ' Uncharted 3 ' and ' The Last of Us ' with Naughty Dog in California. Here, Peter shares his experience and advice about preparing for such a role and how to develop a portfolio and forge a great career in the industry. Naturally, it was a real buzz for us all when Peter very generously took time out very early in the morning, on his holiday, to link up with us on Skype for a chat. Click the image below to see the video of the QA session

شرح تحميل وتثبيت لعبة Dynasty Warriors 6

  Dynasty Warriors 6 PC  كل ما تغرق في العالم من الصين في القرون الوسطى. تهدف هذه الأرقام التاريخية لل40 عنوان، ولكل منها تاريخها ودوافعه. لعبة وسائط لاعب المتاحة، فضلا عن وضع اثنين من لاعب على تقسيم الشاشة. حرب الممالك الثلاث مليئة بالمفاجآت. System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz or equivalent RAM: 512 Mb Video Memory: 128 MB Hard Drive Space: 600MB تحميل من هنا او تحميل من هنا     اما شرح تثبيت كما في فيديو