
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2013

شرح طريقة تحميل وتثبيت لعبة Resident Evil Revelations

 لعبة  Resident Evil Revelations  تدور قصة اللعبة في عام 2005 بين الجزء الرابع والجزء الخامس وبالتحديد بعد فترة قصيرة من تأسيس حلف أمن الإرهاب الحيوي والمعروف باسم (BSAA) وهو الحلف الذي ظهر في الجزء الخامس , وتدور الأحداث في مدينة (Terragrigia)   الأعداء فى اللعبة ليست زومبي ولكنها تشابهها فى الحركة والجوع ولكنها أفضل من الزومبي فى قوتهم الفعلية , حيث يمكنك أن تهرب من الزومبي دائما فى الأجزاء السابقة ولكن هذه الوحوش أكثر قوة ولا يمكن الهروب منها كما أنها وحوش متنوعة ولها أكثر من شكل , وهم دائما ما يتوجهون إليك وينقضوا عليك وعليك أن تكون  سريع فى أطلاق النار وأخذ خطوة للخلف حتى لا يلحقوا بك , فالشركة قامت بتطوير تقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي فى اللعبة على الأعداء فقط لتجعلهم أكثرة قوة  Game Size : 5.28 GB  Game Sort : Action  Release Date : 2013  Resident Evil Revelations - 2013 CPU: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4Ghz or better, AMD Athlon™ X2 2.8 Ghz or better RAM: 2 GB RAM Direct X: 9.0c Hard Drive:8 GB HD space Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GTS ...

Hearse Driver 3D - Now Available on the App Store!

Have you ever wanted to be... a hearse driver? Hearse Driver is a hilarious driving game with crazy ragdoll physics, colorful 3D graphics, and a huge map where you can drive everywhere! You are the driver of a hearse and you have to transport the dead guy safely to his final resting place. Use your best skills, avoid the traffic and be as fast as possible without letting the dead guy fall off the car. Collect coins and get the best time to unlock new content from the Shop. Main Features : - Hilarious Ragdoll Physics - A Huge Map to explore - Two Game Modes - Gorgeous 3D Graphics - Shop with Unlockable Coffins, Characters and Vehicles - Universal App with Full Retina and iPad Support - Surprisingly Addictive Gameplay Please tell everyone how much you love the game and support us with your Reviews . Feel free to give us your feedback, we will really appreciate it!

A Couple of Spider Things

I have a few spider games in my resource collection.  Spider Web is one of them. This game is played with a small group of students. Each student has a game board and counters/chips. Two dice are rolled and the numbers totalled.  A little clear plastic container works perfectly for throwing two dice.  I recently revised this game and it now includes brighter game boards, a new worksheet and cover page!    Thinking of spiders and strategies for addition helped me to create this 'print, play and paste' for double numbers. You can find it for FREE in Google Drive by clicking on the image below: Have a wonderful day!

Uclan's Games Design Alumni

We're really proud to introduce just some of our Game Design Alumni below featuring examples of their work and what they have to say about their study experience with us at Uclan . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron Foster, Graduate and recent Tutor on the games design course, currently Artist/Games Designer at Lunar Software has just granted us permission to post this fantastic image from his game, 'Routine' as part of our Alumni feature. Following graduation, Aaron spent 2 years working as a professional 3D Environment artist for www.Eurocom.co.uk  on projects such as  G-Force  and  Disney Universe. He moved on from there to pursue his love of game development as a whole and to develop his own games. You can see some of Aaron’s past work at www.razorb-art.com Lunar Software is an independent games company based in the UK that currently consists of 3 people, Aa...


My daughter and I had fun making these origami people. She ended up making lots of the people in our family and enjoyed talking about how we are all different, yet the same in many ways. Each has their own little personality. These are great to make with kindergarten as the origami is very simple, and once you have gone over the steps a few times with your students, they will be making them all on their own in no time! Here is how the basic shape is made - excuse the wonky numbers! Then you can add details with markers, paper pieces and craft supplies.  We read a book about Families from our home library. I purchased a set of 'global community' books from Scholastic Book Club a few years ago, and they are wonderful. I use these in the classroom all the time during my HSIE lessons, they are great for showing students a variety of people, places and communities. While talking about people, we took the opportunity to play a game I recently re-worked - "Number Line". A ba...

Teddies and My Maggie

  Our " Teddies " game has been revised and we have been busy playing it today. My daughter quickly matched the mother bears with their matching set of babies.     I asked her to make matching sets with plastic teddy counters.     We then 'counted on' from the Mother Bear' number, with the counters to make a total of ten. I asked my daughter to point to the numeral and say it, and then continue counting as she placed each counter down. So for this one, she said "8... 9, 10". We then discussed how it takes just two more teddies to get from 8 to 10.     We read a few teddy themed books from our home library, including this one 'A Bug, a Bear and a Boy Go to School'. She is doing so well with her reading, and read this completely to me!   Here is a little paper craft she made also, just cutting out shapes from paper to make a teddy.       I have had quite a few people ask me how our new puppy is going. She is doing SO well! I thought I...