
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2013

The Best Year Yet

So here we are looking 2014 right in the eye - how did that happen!? I am so glad that I can kick off 2014 with some super sweet blog friends of mine. Take a break from thinking about New Year's Resolutions and enjoy a fun blog hop...we all think you're perfect just the way you are! From New Year's Ever to January 2nd, you can pick up exclusive freebies along the way AND enter a rafflecopter to win some fun prizes!    Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter at The Teaching Tribune for your chance to win one of these fabulous prizes. Today I would love to share with you my new "Print, Cut, Make, Read" reader, called 'Hat on a Rat"!  Simply click on the picture to take you to my store to download it. Copy the pages, and staple 4 times down the side. Cut down the middle - now you have 2 readers! Ask your students to shade the pictures on the worksheet - and cut them out. Students will then be required to read each sentence and find the matching picture! Befo...

FREE Photo Booth Props for New Years

We are loving photo booth props at the moment - they are a seriously fun way to capture great memories with family, friends AND in the classroom. Why in the classroom? Because shy kids LOVE them. You will probably find, like I did, that children that often FLAT OUT refuse to have their photo taken, and pout and frown, will feel MUCH better about it all, by using some fun props. Case in point, my normally, SUPER shy daughter! Here she is getting ready for the new year! You can have some fun with New Year photos, by downloading this FREE file HERE And if you are looking for a fun way to incorporate photo booth props into the classroom - take a look at this Print and Make Calendar resource. You can combine fun photos with adorable poems written by Deanna to make precious calendars to send home to students' families!  Say cheese!!  I loved working on this resource with Deanna - SO much fun! Thanks for stopping by friends! 

Frogs and Stuff

How was your Christmas? Mine was wonderful. I felt rushed and busy in the days leading up, but everything came together on Christmas Eve and I had one of the more relaxing of the last few years. The days since Christmas Day have been wonderful. It is fun to wake up each day with 'no routine' and no firm plans. Today we went for a walk. I have consumed more sugar in the last week than the rest of the year combined. SO we passed a pond that is nearby to my house. And who should jump out from behind a tree and RIGHT in front of me. This adorable little guy. I almost stood on him. I know. I mean, seriously - is that not the universe trying to tell me something or what.  NOT slimy at all my friends. I really wanted to take him home with us, but returned him back close to the pond. I loved how perfect and bright his skin was, and was amazed at how tiny he was and how fast he moved.  We took photos to show my daughter when we got home, and it was not long before she had made these ad...

الربح من الفيس بوك وزيادة الاعجاب بالصفحة مضمون 100%

درس اليوم  : هو شرح لطريقة الربح من الفيس بوك الكل لديه اكونت فيس بوك ولاكن هل فكرت في كيفية الربح منه ؟؟ -_ -_-_-_- _- اليوم راح اشرح طريقة الربح المضمونه من الفيس بوك بطريقه بسيطه وسهله للغاية كيف اربح من الفيس بوك : هناك شركه تقدم خدمات لاصحاب الاعمال هذه الخدمات عباره عن تحقيق اكبر عدد من الاعجابات لصفحات اصحاب الاعمال انت تقوم 1- بالتسجيل في الشركه - 2- ربط حساب الفيس بوك بالشركه - 3- يعطيك عدد من صفحات الفيس بوك كل يوم ما عليك فعله هو الاعجاب بتلك الصفحات = ربح المال كل ذالك سوف اقوم بشرحه جزء جزء الشركه تتعامل باليورو ( اليورو = 7.5 جنيه مصري ) قد تصل ارباحك في اليوم الي نصف يورو هذا كحد ادني وكل ما كان عدد اصدقائك في الفيس بوك اكثر كل ما كان الربح اكثر واكثر بدوون اطاله عليكم .. بسم الله نبداء في الشرح -_ -_-_-_- _- اولآ صلي على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم المطلوب : 1- دعوه صالحه في ظهر الغيب 2- اكونت فيس بوك بشرط ان لا يقل الاصدقاء فيه عن 5 اصدقاء -_ -_-_-_- _- الشركه هيا شركة اجزاء الدرس : (  1 -شرح التسجيل في الشركه .  2 - ربط الحساب .  3 - شرح الرب...

شرح تحميل وتثبيت لعبة The Walking dead 2 Ep1

منصة: PC اللغة الإنجليزية النوع: مغامرات تنسيق: ISO حجم: 1.07 GB تاريخ: 21-12-2013 الإصدار: RELOADED CPU: Intel 2.4Ghz ou mieux  RAM: 1 Go de RAM  Direct X: 9.0c  Disque dur: 2 Go Espace disque dur:  Carte graphique: NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 8800 GTS ou mieux   تحميل من هنا شرح تثبيت لاتنسى يالغالي تقييم الشرح الاشتراك بالقناة