The Best Year Yet

So here we are looking 2014 right in the eye - how did that happen!? I am so glad that I can kick off 2014 with some super sweet blog friends of mine. Take a break from thinking about New Year's Resolutions and enjoy a fun blog hop...we all think you're perfect just the way you are! From New Year's Ever to January 2nd, you can pick up exclusive freebies along the way AND enter a rafflecopter to win some fun prizes! Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter at The Teaching Tribune for your chance to win one of these fabulous prizes. Today I would love to share with you my new "Print, Cut, Make, Read" reader, called 'Hat on a Rat"! Simply click on the picture to take you to my store to download it. Copy the pages, and staple 4 times down the side. Cut down the middle - now you have 2 readers! Ask your students to shade the pictures on the worksheet - and cut them out. Students will then be required to read each sentence and find the matching picture! Befo...