Sailing Through Spring! A Sale AND A Giveaway!

Soooo - Spring!? Yeah, I am at the end of summer here in Australia. We have just had a very hot and humid week, and I am HANGING for Autumn. Autumn is my favourite month! I have 2 Autumn babies and I just love that a 'bad' Autumn day here, swings back to Summer and is usually warm and dry. A bad Spring day, on the other hand, will swing back to Winter and be cold and miserable. BUT my blog-hopping friends are SUPER happy to be heading into THEIR Spring and have the idea of a summer break already on their minds, I am sure! We decided we would give you a little blog-hop of teacher tips for getting through Spring with ease! And teachers here in Australia will love these ideas for the beginning of the school year too! A tip I have for helping you cruise through the last (or first) months of school, is this little gem of a behaviour management strategy - Self Control Bubbles! You can find it FREE at TpT in the store of Lauren, a fellow Aussie seller! Click on the image below to find...