Aaron Foster's tutorials

import them into the UDK engine to create a convincing environment.
This process of importing the assets into UDK was made much easier
for them due to the video tutorials that Aaron Foster has created
which they can access online.
Aaron is part of the games staff team at UCLan but he's also the founder member of Lunar Software An independent games company
based in the UK
Aaron's inspirational work can be viewed at his website
After graduating from the BA Games Design course at Uclan,
Aaron spent 2 years working as a professional 3D Environment artist for
www.Eurocom.co.uk on projects such as G-Force and Disney Universe
but then chose to set up his own company to pursue his love for game development as a whole.
Aaron's team are currently working on their first title that will be a commercial release
aimed towards the PC market through steam.
Aaron has a real motivational influence on the students through his teaching and the work that he produces.