Uclan Games Design degree show 2012

The degree show was officially opened last night, Friday 15th June and it was a FANTASTIC evening.
There's a wide variety of work on show and visitors came piling in to see the colourful design banners, play the games and enjoy the atmosphere.There was music, sound effects, laughter and chatter in every corner.
There's a real community spirit in the Uclan games course, it's a great big family, where students share ideas and skills and enjoy playing and working together in a large community.

To make the night even more of a success, our student, Alex Bellingham was selected out of many contenders to receive the Creative Festival Design Award for games design and was presented with a gorgeous glass trophy by Vice Chancellor, Dr. Malcolm McVicar. (More news to come on this....)
Below are pictures from the private view of the Games Design Show 2012.

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