Mother's Day - Reader and Card
I am trying to be upbeat. It's the end of a 2 week Autumn break for me. I have loved having extra time with my girl. We have all loved having a break from "The Morning Routine" and "The School Run".
And by "The Morning Routine" - I mean, me desperately rushing around in a sleep deprived fog to get two children fed, dressed, prepared and in good spirits of the day. While drinking tea. And eating toast on the run. And EVEN maybe combing my hair and putting some mascara on. You know, to look awake. I read in a magazine (remember those?), to always get your eyes made-up first, because most likely, you will not need any other product on your face.
Yep, that is 100% the sole reason why I start and finish with mascara. Cause I don't need anything else.
Until the sleep-deprived eyes unjust and I can actually see the mirror.
Never mind. I am READY to start another term of school runs, daily routines and part-time teaching. THIS term, I am going too have it 'All Together". Here's to hoping!
I can't complain though. I won't seriously complain. Friday was ANZAC day here in Australia - our day of remembrance, for soldiers, past and present that have served our country.
It is always a hugely emotional day for me, and many others. Both sets of my grandparents, and consequently both my parents had lives deeply affected by war. One set of my grandparents fled a war torn Europe to settle in Australia. They sold everything they had to buy 5 tickets on a ship to sail to a better life, away for the horrors they had witnessed. With only a few words of English and a few boxes of personal items, they set up a new life in a rugged, relatively new county. They were of an age where they should have been starting to slow down and enjoy the merits of their hard work. Instead, they started working all over again. And I cannot begin to image how tough our country was on them initially.
My other grandparents were both enlisted. My grandfather left his home here in Australia to serve in a country on the other side of the world. He was an extraordinary fighter pilot and the stories of his life both make me proud, and also break my heart. He came home a broken man - his life was deeply affected by war for many many years to come, and the lives of those close to him.
As much as I often lightheartedly complain about the daily 'trials' of my life, I only have to think about the sacrifices they, and many other soldiers made, for me to be here. I treasure the journey my grandparents made through their lives. They remind me of how blessed we are, to live such a wonderful, peaceful life. I am reminded through the horror they experienced, to never, ever waste a second of it.
Lest. We. Forget.
Two amazing mothers, facing far greater challenges that I will ever have to face.
And speaking about mothers.... I found the Mother's Day catalogues in my mailbox today, and quickly circled everything that I liked it reminded me that I need to get even more organised for my "Got It All Together" term and buy something super special for MY mum. It also reminded me that I need to start thing about how to celebrate Mother's Day in the classroom.
This little printable reader will help you in lessons about mothers AND farm babies!
You can download a FREE copy, by clicking on the image below!
If you like this reader, you might like to check out my Readers Ultimate Pack, at TpT. Click on the image below to find it!
I created a new Mother's Day card for this year. It is VERY simple for little people to handle. Just a few cuts, some writing and some gluing and it's done.
Your students will just need to get all their 'bits' cut out....
write some words to describe their mother...
and glue some petals over - finishing with a 'my mom is" (or "my mum is") flower center (or flower centre) - notice how 'global' I can be with multiple spellings ;)
And voila, a pretty Flip the Flap Flower Card!
Thank you so much for stopping by today - have fun planning your Mother's Day things!![]()